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Event Report - Signs of Spring

The theme of March's Trailblazers session is Signs of Spring, and despite brisk and windy conditions, our afternoon on the trail was a great success!

We began in the classroom discussing the different signs of spring one observes this time of year! We talked about bird migration in addition to some of the species we may see today. We also talked about amphibians such as Red-backed Salamander and Lead-backed Salamander, two species that we have found on the trail in spring! Finally, we discussed Skunk Cabbage and where on the trail to find it. Once we were all familiar, we bundled up and ventured out!

Windy conditions didn't keep us down as we strolled down the trail. We were first greeted by a flock of seven American Crows cawing overhead as they passed by! The students loved seeing a group of such big birds so close! Conditions felt better once we got into the woodland sections of the trail, and we spent our time there climbing over rocks and logs in search of the spring season. We did not have any Skunk Cabbage growing in our lower wetland yet, but I'm willing to be we will see some of those signature purple sprouts downhill from the outdoor classroom in the next week or two.

We tallied a total of six bird species on our walk! We didn't find any salamanders this time around, but I think that salamander presence was impacted by the cold conditions. Soon enough, they will be coming out of hibernation, and you will be able to find both of those species under rocks and logs in wet areas of the trial!

All told, our afternoon was a great way to prepare for the coming of spring in just a few weeks!

eBird checklist:

Bethel Springs E.S.--Nature Trail, Delaware, Pennsylvania, US

Mar 2, 2017 3:40 PM - 4:28 PM

Protocol: Traveling

0.6 mile(s)

Comments: Super windy afternoon!!!! Not a lot of birds, but there was a lot of fun! Checklist taken from Trailblazers Signs of Spring event led by BQ.

6 species

Mourning Dove 1

Red-bellied Woodpecker 1

American Crow 7

White-throated Sparrow 1

Song Sparrow 1

Northern Cardinal 2


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