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Event Report - Nature Exploration

This year's Nature Exploration for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students was another smashing success! Last year's Nature Exploration brought a snow-covered experience for the students, but this year's conditions were mild and welcoming!

We began in the classroom discussing possible bird species we would find and practicing how to hold and use binoculars. Once we were all up to speed, we rushed out to the trail to make the most of our afternoon.

Wildlife highlights on the walk included a few Northern Cardinals perching up close for us! We also had two Tufted Titmouse and two White-breasted Nuthatch land close for all to see. However, I think the real highlight was the exploration from the students. There were no shortage of questions, laughs, and running here and there as we rounded the Nature Trail!

Here is the eBird checklist for today's walk:

Bethel Springs E.S.--Nature Trail, Delaware, Pennsylvania, US

Feb 2, 2017 3:25 PM - 4:20 PM

Protocol: Traveling

0.6 mile(s)

Comments: Checklist taken from Trailblazers Nature Exploration with grades 3-5.

10 species (+1 other taxa)

Black Vulture 1

Mourning Dove 1

Hairy Woodpecker 1

Carolina Chickadee 6

Carolina/Black-capped Chickadee 1 Could not confirm ID for Black-capped Chickadee.

Tufted Titmouse 2

White-breasted Nuthatch 2

Eastern Bluebird 1

American Robin 1

White-throated Sparrow 1

Northern Cardinal 4


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