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Weekly Report - 2017-02-03

Due to a late arrival for my morning walk (which resulted in me arriving close to my usual time for school), I did not have much time to devote to a real solid effort. I did a brief stroll to tally whatever was out and about, and I ended up with six species. Not bad for a quick run through without binoculars, but I am sure there were other more interesting things lurking in the bushes.

I ended up heading onto the trail with my class later that morning as a reward for all the hard work we've been doing in our biography book clubs! We continued to have little bird activity, but we did have two cooperative White-throated Sparrows that were seen by all.

The only other sighting of note this week was one unidentified flyover hawk on Wednesday after school. I paused at my car and saw the reflection off the window. I looked up and observed a slender, fast-flying hawk zip over the parking lot. My first impression was possibly a Cooper's Hawk, but something about it seemed different. It seemed to be more rounded in wing structure with wider wings. I only had a few second look so I wasn't able to get a positive ID so this is yet another one that got away...

This group picture (thanks Max for suggesting the idea) was definitely the highlight of being on the Nature Trail this week:

4Q on the Nature Trail, 2017-02-03

Check out the eBird lists from this morning's walks:


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